Unlocking Kid Power with Hypnotherapy
Hypno-Adventure for kids anxiety with Angela Vincent
It's Time for Hypno-Unicorns! Unlocking Kid Power with Hypnotherapy
Let's be honest, the word "hypnotherapy" conjures images of swinging pocket watches and clucking chickens. But ditch the old Hollywood tropes, folks! Hypnotherapy for kids isn't about turning them into zombie-like automatons (unless they REALLY want a lifetime supply of broccoli – then, maybe, just maybe...). It's about tapping into their amazing inner power, boosting their confidence, and helping them navigate the rollercoaster that is childhood.
Think of a kid's mind as a supercharged, sparkly, slightly chaotic rollercoaster. It's exhilarating, full of ups and downs, and sometimes it gets… *stuck*. That's where hypnotherapy swoops in, like a superhero in sparkly pajamas, to help smooth things out.
Forget the scary stuff you've seen in movies. Child-friendly hypnotherapy is all about creating a safe and fun space. We're talking guided imagery so vivid, it's like stepping into a Pixar movie. We're talking about talking to brave Minecrafters, RoBlox Masters, Lego Friends Creators, and befriending wise, fluffy unicorns. (Unicorns are highly effective therapeutic creatures, I've found.)
So, what magical things can hypnotherapy do for your little human? Buckle up, because this is a wild ride:
1. Taming the Bedtime Beast (aka Insomnia):
Is your little one a champion night-owl? Hypnotherapy can help create a relaxed association with bedtime, transforming those fraught hours into peaceful drifts into slumber. No more midnight battles! Imagine: a silent, sleeping child. It's almost too beautiful to believe. *Almost.*
2. Conquering the Monster Under the Bed (and other Fears):
From shadowy corners to the fear of the dentist, childhood is riddled with anxieties. Hypnotherapy helps children reframe their perceptions of these fears, replacing them with feelings of courage and control. We’re not magically making the monsters disappear (although wouldn't that be cool?), but we're empowering kids to face them – armed with bravery and a healthy dose of Kids magic.
3. Boosting Confidence, One Sparkly Unicorn at a Time:
Is your child shy or struggling with self-esteem? Hypnotherapy can help them discover their inner strength and unleash their potential. It's about building a positive self-image, celebrating their unique strengths, and recognising their own amazing capabilities. They’re not just kids – they’re superheroes in training!
4. Improving Focus and Concentration:
In today's hyper-stimulating world, focusing can be a challenge. Hypnotherapy offers a fantastic tool to help children improve their concentration and attention span, making learning more enjoyable and effective. Think of it as a mental power-up!
5. Saying Goodbye to Bedwetting (Discreetly, of course):
This is a common childhood issue that can cause significant distress. Hypnotherapy can help children develop better bladder control through positive suggestions and relaxation techniques, fostering a sense of confidence and self-assurance.
Now, before you picture your small human in a trance staring blankly at the ceiling, it's important to note that child hypnotherapy is age-appropriate and playful. It’s more like a fun, guided imagination adventure than anything else. A skilled hypnotherapist specialising in children; such as Angela Vincent @NaturalStateHypnosis will create a safe and encouraging environment, making the whole experience enjoyable and empowering; Online or In-Person!
So, if your little one is facing challenges, consider exploring the wonder of kid-friendly hypnotherapy. It’s not magic (well, maybe a little…unicorn magic), but it’s a powerful tool that can help your child thrive. Let the sparkly unicorns guide the way!
Or simply call Today to book you child in for their In-person or Virtual kids Hypnotherapy session!
Angela Vincent ~ +61 0412502853 ~ ange@naturalstatehypnosis.com.au
Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
Clinical Hypnotherapists are all invested in ensuring you quit smokes for good. The addiction is deadly and we get an opportunity to help you quit that unwanted addiction but you need to take our advice literally. If we want to know if you’ve had a smoke after the session then tell us and if we want you to clear out the smoking paraphernalia before your session or move your ‘smoking chair’ then do it.
Quitting smoking is hard. Hypnosis for quitting smoking is easy, they say. Well is it? Is it really?
Does it work? How does it work? How do I know it’s going to work on Me? Do I have to pay if I can’t be hypnotised? How will I know I’m hypnotised? Should I be scared? .. I’m scared.
As a clinical Hypnotherapist with a nursing background, I do not work in absolutes. You do need to play your part in committing to quit smoking and for a reasonable number it will take more than 1 session.
It will cost you at least as much as your weekly smoking habit, after all we need to make sure you can’t afford to buy them the next week (just kidding).. but seriously, clinical Hypnotherapy is a skill and if you’ve done your research right you will find a well respected clinical Hypnotherapist to help you quit smokes.
Clinical Hypnotherapists are all invested in ensuring you quit smokes for good. The addiction is deadly and environmental exposures alongside nicotine addiction increase the complications of diseases such as Mesothelioma and lung cancers. Links to these can be found on The Mesothelioma Center, a web resource that provides information about asbestos-related cancers.
We recently published an educational page about smoking, asbestos, and lung cancer that details how they affect health:
and we get an opportunity to help you quit that unwanted addiction but you need to take our advice literally. If we want to know if you’ve had a smoke after the session then tell us and if we want you to clear out the smoking paraphernalia before your session or move your ‘smoking chair’ then do it.
If any suggestions given prior to your appointment aren’t met its unlikely that your hypnotherapist will commence the session as these are all red flags for us. We need to know that you’ve knocked over as many skittles as possible before arriving on quit smoking day and not just arrived with your half a pack of 40’s in the car - just in case.
Hypnosis is divisive. It’s either one of those subjects that you’re either curious about or you’ll run a mile if it’s brought up in the tearoom.. yeah?
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Here is my flyer. Paste it, glue it, tack it or simply tape it up on your noticeboard!
Here is my flyer. Paste it, glue it, tack it or simply tape it up on your noticeboard!
You can also give back by adding a testimonial - Video’s are the prized gemstone of reviews and I am more than willing to spend 5 minutes asking you 2 simple questions .. not intimidating at all!
You can also pop a Google Business review up at this link address: Natural State Hypnosis
IBS and ABC936 Talk Back
Natural State Hypnosis specialises in Gut-directed Hypnotherapy. Angela Vincent follows the Monash university evidence-based protocol for IBS and the FODMAP diet guidelines. Allow Angela to help your body regain it’s ability to digest many of the foods they have not had success with in the past.
Thank you to Leon Compton of Statewide mornings for welcoming me on to discuss IBS and gut-directed hypnotherapy!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is complex and can be life altering in the least for many people. IBS has become a leading reason for visiting the GP with sufferers experiencing pain on digestion and for many they have an inability to digest FODMAP foods resulting in cramping, diarrhoea, constipation or both. What we know is that stress can make symptoms worse and for some they may have a dramatically reduced number of foods they can safely digest.
Natural State Hypnosis specialises in Gut-directed Hypnotherapy. Angela Vincent follows the Monash university evidence-based protocol for IBS and the FODMAP diet guidelines. Allow Angela to help your body regain it’s ability to digest many of the foods they have not had success with in the past.
Call Ange for more details on 0412 502 853 today
Fibromyalgia and Hypnotherapy – The positive effects
Exсеѕѕ and prolonged ѕtrеѕѕ will hаvе bееn a lаrgе соntributоr to the оnѕеt or the prolonged process of Fibromyalgia. It is imроrtаnt to build and mаintаin a way for the Fibromyalgia patient tо mаnаgе thеir stress lеvеlѕ аnd learn to relax
Fibrоmуаlgiа аnd Hурnоthеrару – thе positive еffесtѕ
Fibrоmуаlgiа Sуndrоmе оr FMS is a соnditiоn that causes discomfort in the muscles and tissues with complex pain and fatigue. Its ѕеnѕаtiоnѕ саn аffесt thе tendons, ligаmеntѕ and muscles are the areas where pain manifests. Muscles can fееl tight аnd ѕtrеtсhеd аnd оссаѕiоnаllу invоluntаrу twitсhеѕ in muscles may bе nоtiсеd.
Who is affected by Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia has been linked to people with drive and have high levels of stress. It is believed that the burst of specific adrenal hormones required for intense effort may play a part in this population group succumbing to this complex condition.
Certain mood diѕоrdеrѕ have been identified to have a correlation with some Fibromyalgia sufferers. Thеrе hаѕ bееn evidence of dерrеѕѕiоn having a lower threshold for stress and pressures that may be more easily relieved without the complications of depressive symptoms.
Some rеѕеаrсh evidence роintѕ to a grеаtеr prevalence of wоmеn tо men being diagnosed with Fibrоmуаlgiа. Hоwеvеr, thеrе is nо аgе distinction аnd it can аffесt аll аgеѕ.
What is thе Trеаtmеnt fоr Fibrоmуаlgiа?
More information is coming to light on the complexities of this syndrome and despite the fact that there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, a protein has recently been identified as playing a part in the muscle pain and discomfort. This means thаt treatment is аimеd аt сорing with аnd lеѕѕеning the ѕуmрtоmѕ.
Fibrоmуаlgiа iѕ trеаtеd with a соmbinаtiоn оf pain medications, соmрlеmеntаrу thеrарiеѕ аnd changes tо lifestyle.
Thе medicines iѕѕuеd can range from paracetamol, соdеinе or stronger pain relief medications. Dependant on the complex and varied symptoms of this syndrome. Drugѕ thаt hеlр the muѕсlеѕ to relax may bе оffеrеd tо еаѕе muscle tension and ease exhaustion and аnti-dерrеѕѕаntѕ may be considered fоr mооd. For effective relief, patients should be given an open line of communication with their health and wellness practitioners to ensure they receive the most appropriate medical support available.
Fibrоmуаlgiа аnd thе Rоlе of Hурnоthеrару
Exсеѕѕ and prolonged ѕtrеѕѕ will hаvе bееn a lаrgе соntributоr to the оnѕеt or the prolonged process of Fibromyalgia. It is imроrtаnt to build and mаintаin a way for the Fibromyalgia patient tо mаnаgе thеir stress lеvеlѕ аnd learn to relax. Hypnotherapy iѕ vеrу effective in thiѕ area. Sеlf hypnosis in раrtiсulаr, when uѕеd regularly hеlрѕ lеѕѕеn ѕtrеѕѕ аnd brings with it a ѕеnѕе оf wеll-bеing аnd calmness.
An experienced Hypnotherapist who offers help someone experiencing Fibrоmуаlgiа will also рrоvidе hеlр tо enable a сhаngе оf реrсерtiоnѕ about life. Thiѕ enables thе Fibrоmуаlgiа раtiеnt tо реrсеivеd life in a different аnd mоrе adaptive way. A Hypnotherapist mау uѕе regression, tо rеdrеѕѕ аnу раѕt upsetting events оr experiences thаt the Fibromyalgia patient mау ѕtill be аffесtеd by tоdау.
The рrасtiсе оf ѕеlf hурnоѕiѕ iѕ taught tо assist раin reduction аnd tо еаѕе ѕоft tiѕѕuе tеnѕiоn. It also аidѕ in rejuvenation and improved ѕlеер hygiene options. Sеlf hурnоѕiѕ can рlау аn effective rоlе in оvеrаll support combined with a multidisciplinary treatment team.
Therapy can be provided in your own home via Zoom!
Hypnosis for weight loss
The addition of hypnosis provides a window of opportunity to assist in the effectiveness of dietary changes and an improvement in the regularity of exercise for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating.
Lose Weight and Embrace your Body Shape!
Cravings and unwanted food habits can lead to weight fluctuations and for many battling weight loss, the process is complex and multifaceted. We are not all born alike, we have our DNA, upbringing and social influences impacting on how we navigate this life with all such variables contributing to our overall self worth and body image. Hypnosis is helpful in supporting in re-aligning our weight loss habits to a more positive mindset and in many cases, is effective is resetting some of the skewed habits or behaviours that have become the norm.
The addition of hypnosis provides a window of opportunity to assist in the effectiveness of dietary changes and an improvement in the regularity of exercise for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating. However, every individual will respond differently and despite it’s effectiveness in improving one’s self worth and improved body image, the amount of weight loss differs from person-to-person.
Does Hypnotherapy work for weight loss?
A 2018 study has provided evidence that the support of Self-Hypnosis techniques and hypnosis recordings. The group provided with hypnosis reported better outcomes with a reduction in caloric (overall food) intake, a decrease in their urge to eat (satiety) and a reduction in the inflammatory markers related to obesity.
What to expect from your hypnotherapy weight loss program
Hypnotherapy for weight loss requires 5-6 consultations with the choice of Improved Weight Loss habits with craving elimination or Virtual Gastric Band weight loss (the subconscious belief that the stomach has been reduced in size and other suggestions). Your individualised hypnotherapy program outlines personal goals and timelines, preferred eating habits and fitness goals.
During the hypnosis session certain words or repetition of certain phrases may be used and used throughout the program. Your therapist may also help you visualise yourself reaching goals through sharing vivid mental imagery. Hypnotherapy programs come with conscious tasks and an mp3 self hypnosis track to utilise.
How can I prepare for my first hypnotherapy appointment?
Start a food diary to track your eating do your best to cut down on the not-so-good foods that have been problematic in the past.
Increase your protein intake.
Note the time of day that cravings may arise and document in your diary.
Consider a free fitness activity that you would like to do and book it in with a good friend.
Keep Hydrated. Water preferably 😉
Hypnotherapy for kids anxiety
Being a parent is tough and as a parent of a youngster that expresses anxiety, fear or panic at any stage can make parenting even more difficult. Hypnotherapy is a gentle and in many cases effective way for kids and young adults to bravely work through their fears.
School anxiety is a big deal! Does your child suffer from fear and panic? Hypnotherapy can help and Kids often experience immediate relief.
Being a parent is tough and as a parent of a youngster that expresses anxiety, fear or panic at any stage can make parenting even more difficult. Hypnotherapy is a gentle and in many cases effective way for kids and young adults to bravely work through their fears. Visual imagery and story telling are often wonderfully effective ways to engage young people and Hypnotherapy may be provided in a waking state as children are still very efficient at moving in and out of trance-like states.
Hypnotherapy for kids anxiety
If your child appears to have lost that toddler courage that you remember which allowed them to brush themselves off and attempt the next trick on the monkey bars then they could be in need of some confidence boosting. We know that as adults our resilience can take a beating when moving jobs, cities, sports teams or a myriad of different changes and our Children and young adults can lose sleep, forget to eat, be more hesitant to leave our side as just a couple of examples of how these feelings play out in children.
With Child Psychologist wait lists being stretched to capacity it is the perfect time to consider other options. Hypnotherapy can provide immediate relief being reported by many parents of my young clients. During a hypnotherapy session Mums and Dads can expect to remain in the room for the entirety of the 45min-60minute consultation to ensure that your child feels supported and comfortable for the duration of the session.
Despite children and young adults being quite suggestible to hypnosis, Hypnotherapy is most effective when a minimum of 3-6 consultations providing long lasting change and resilience for our young population. These programs aim to create a sense of self worth and building self esteem.
Hypnosis for Fertility anxiety and the pilgrimage towards parenting?
Hypnotherapy can assist by providing you with a sense of renewed wellbeing, rejuvenation and the ability to breathe during your periods of exhaustion and doubt, providing a sense of ok-ness on the more difficult days.
Do you have a wish to conceive, carry and birth your Baby? To be a Mum or Dad or are you a supportive friend traveling this vast emotional pilgrimage that touches your heart at every turn?
Hypnotherapy can assist by providing you with a sense of renewed wellbeing, rejuvenation and the ability to breathe during your periods of exhaustion and doubt, providing a sense of ok-ness on the more difficult days.
If you are one of the women that has been trying to fall pregnant with no clear explanation as to why it appears to be more difficult for you then Hypnotherapy may be a good supportive option. Hypnosis and mind-body therapies can assist you in keeping you calm and steady during the ups and downs of conception, miscarriage and a myriad of other physical and social factors that come into play when you’re planning for a child.
How can Hypnosis help?
Hypnosis is one part of the therapy provided by a Hypnotherapist. As a Nurse and Clinical Hypnotherapist, I combine my knowledge of the biology of the body and in almost all cases, I’m able to provide a lay (wo)man’s explanation of why it’s important to keep the stress hormones to a minimum and more importantly, how to do it with a few simple techniques.
You see, our body’s nervous system is fuelled by our minds’ response or our perceptions of fear and panic. We may not have saber tooth tigers to fight but that does not mean we’re not responding as if one is in front of us.
What does this have to do with you, I hear you thinking?
For women wishing to conceive after a long period of attempting to fall pregnant naturally simply approaching a scan, an Obstetrician appointment or just seeing a familiar medical professionals number come up on their phone it can be enough to release a fear and even panic response in the body. Our mind is often on the watch to avoid moments of extreme distress, prolonged discomfort or mental hurt. It is during these times that our body releases adrenaline which is counterproductive in the conceiving and birthing body.
Women, sensuality and illness relief with Hypnosis
Women, sensuality and illness. How hypnotherapy provides freedom and relief
How hypnotherapy provides freedom
Thank you to Myola Woods for your vision!
As an Erotic Coach; Myola takes the pleasure of erotica and an orgasmic life seriously.
I thank her for her contribution to this space and for inviting me to speak on the impact and complexities of sensuality and orgasm in illness and subsequent wellbeing.
If you struggle in this space Hypnotherapy … or Myola - your Erotic Coach can help!
Live Your Sensual and Orgasmic Life Summit interview Myola Woods www.eroticcoaching.com.au