The Science of Psychotherapy
If you find yourself as fascinated as I became after having my first hypnosis experience and want to know and learn more from experts in the field… this is my recommendation!
Richard Hill and Matthew Dahlitz have created a resource packed full of Psychotherapy, Neuroscience, Specialist Interviews, core resources, documentaries and a proper dose of good humour!
and you want more…..
I’m fortunate enough to be the Supervisee of Richard Hill and with the Science of Psychotherapy being dedicated to the development of the 21st Century Therapist, I feel deeply understood.
At the very least ~ Sign up to their Monthly magazine! It won’t be long until you see the value in the CPE learning platform and sign up to their very reasonably priced Academy and learning modules ~ ie: $12month.
Dr Andrew Huberman and the Huberman Lab ~ Interview with Dr David Spiegel: Psychiatrist and Hypnotherapist
The Huberman Lab
Stanford University have been leading the way in the understanding of how Hypnosis and the brain interact.
Dr Lisa Miller
The Spiritual Child is not what you think. In fact Dr Lisa Miller has recently published the findings in her current publication ‘The Awakened Brain’ teasing out the confusion between a Spiritual sensation, feeling and experience and the interpretation that only religion is spiritual.