Hypnosis for settling into a new place
With that couple of sentences you have received a moment of induced hypnosis. You have allowed yourself to go to your place of uninterrupted safety, comfort and ease. Providing you with a template or hologram to overlay into a new house, place of accommodation or couch if that be your situation at present.
Stop biting nails with Hypnosis
With the support of clinical hypnotherapy, Natural State Hypnosis can help ease the behaviours of nail biting and with the correct hand hygiene habits, can improve your nails, cuticles and skin health!
Fibromyalgia and Hypnotherapy – The positive effects
Exсеѕѕ and prolonged ѕtrеѕѕ will hаvе bееn a lаrgе соntributоr to the оnѕеt or the prolonged process of Fibromyalgia. It is imроrtаnt to build and mаintаin a way for the Fibromyalgia patient tо mаnаgе thеir stress lеvеlѕ аnd learn to relax
Palliative and pain management relief with Hypnosis
Natural State Hypnosis is a medically attuned clinical hypnosis therapy can assist in your palliative care experience of your terminal illness to reduce treatment symptoms such as chronic pain, nausea, fatigue, hot flashes, and sleep dysfunction.