Hypnosis for settling into a new place

Whether you’re moving from one residence to another or simply changing up bedrooms in your home we all experience sensations of ‘the unfamiliar’ when readjusting to a new sleep situation, hypnosis can help!

For myself, as a hypnotherapist; I have come to understand the medicinal value of truly feeling ‘at home’ and the negative impact of feeling unsettled can have on my Client’s nervous system and overall health and wellbeing.

Self-inflicted house moves as my young adult Self who’s Mother and her husband kindly (exhaustedly, as they remember it) assisted moving me from rental to rental on a 6 monthly basis for a significant period of time, it’s safe to say I barely settled before another impending move. It was costly for a start and not just from a material sense.

So much of how well we do the outside world and make decisions depends on how well we’re able to be our deeply authentic self at home, to rest intentionally and wake feeling steady, strong and agile.

To mentally form a new relationship with a house takes time and if I was to search back into those times, it possibly didn’t occur in many of the number of living arrangements I found myself in but when I did it felt great.

So back to this idea of Hypnosis for settling into a new place, why would hypnosis help? I’m glad you asked. It has become clear to me that hypnotherapy client’s are often, but not always, at a crossroads when they arrange an appointment. Something doesn’t feel easy, right or natural and they’re seeking out support to filter through their ideas, worries, motivations and/or unwanted habits or addictions that are getting in the way of feeling settled.

Unfortunately we don’t have to look far to find evidence that home is not always a safe place for many and giving these family members some quick, useful hypnosis techniques to steady their nervous systems’ and create snippets of peace is invaluable for their ability to sustain their ability to care and love those close to them.

To feel settled is human nature, to feel safe to relax and let go of the graces that we offer the outside world. To feel at home is to notice the familiar creaks of the floors, the natural scents of our freshly washed clothing and the reassuring sensations of our pillow and the position of the bed.

With that couple of sentences you have received a moment of induced hypnosis. You have allowed yourself to go to your place of uninterrupted safety, comfort and ease. Providing you with a template or hologram to overlay into a new house, place of accommodation or couch if that be your situation at present.

This process is very useful for children with anxieties especially when they’re attempting their first sleepover for example. Sending them with their own pillow is a natural comforter for children and adults alike, as we’re all our childhood self inside after all.

With that, if you’re having difficulties sleeping, settling into a new place or having to adjust to a new way of living Hypnosis can help.

Angela Vincent is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a background in Nursing. Call to book your in-person or Virtual session today!

Angela Vincent - Clinical Hypnotherapist Hobart

Angela Vincent is a highly specialised clinical hypnotherapist renowned for her expertise in medically-attuned hypnotherapy, focusing on gastrointestinal health, particularly Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other complex gut conditions. With a solid background in psychotherapies and extensive training in clinical hypnotherapy, Angela has a unique and effective approach that combines traditional hypnotherapeutic techniques with medical insights to help clients improve their overall health and well-being.


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